A good start to settling in

Schools & Daycares



When choosing a School for your children, why not consider a Danish "Folkeskole" This is the perfect way to get you and your family into the "lokal" community.

The Danish education system provides access to primary school, secondary school, and most kinds of higher education. Attendance at "Folkeskole” is compulsory for a minimum of 9 years, and a maximum of 10. All college education in Denmark is free.

Primary school in Denmark is called "den Danske Folkeskole" ("Danish Public/local School"). It runs from grade 0 which is equivalent to reception/Kindergarten to 10th grade. Both grades 0 and 10th grade are optional.

Students can alternatively attend a private school. Some are known as "free schools" ("Friskole"), others as private school ("Privatskole"), i.e. schools that are not under the administration of the municipalities.

The Danish school system makes provision for children who are non-native Danish speakers. Some schools, depending on the area Kommune (commune), start non-Danish speakers in a specially designed reception class until their Danish is good enough for them to participate in a class with Danish students. In other Kommune (communes) non-Danish speakers are placed directly in the relevant class and are given extra help with language.

Call us if you have any further questions!



Homestead – a good start to settling in